Our Stunning Indian & Pakistani Restaurant In Manchester
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About Zouk
The is no exact translation for the word Zouk but in English it can be loosely transcribed as ‘the best of style and the best of taste’
This is what we aim to offer our guests every time they dine at Zouk, order food from our Manchester restaurant, book a cooking class experience or use our catering services. We believe sharing great food is one of the best ways to spend time with family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and even new acquaintances
Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
Indian & Pakistani Cuisine
In our always on society lives today are busy and hectic. It’s hard to find time to relax and enjoy these simple pleasures. We wanted to create a space for our customers to escape the hustle and bustle. To step into an atmosphere with a holiday vibe. Browse our menus and discover the finest Indian & Pakistani cuisine that Manchester has to offer.
Cooking Classes
Where the aromas of great food and the luxurious surroundings transport you to a happier place
That’s why Zouk is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We like to think of our doors as always open, well from 12 noon to midnight anyway. We serve food, drinks and shisha all day long and we are always ready to welcome our guests at a time that suits them.
Failure is a word
Unknown to me